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Khmer Rock and Roll
Peak Av Min Del Khern Dos |
Red menace seen in strike
In regards to the hotel strikers in Cambodia: I wish it was not so but the
strikers created their own problem. Now they are without a job and no
income. My feeling is if they were not happy they should go some place else.
No one is tying the workers to stay with a chain.
The strikers are creating problems which could affect the entire tourist
industry. Do you think people want to visit Cambodia when labor strikes go
on and labor leaders from foreign countries stick their unwelcome nose in
Cambodian national affairs?
Actions from foreign labor unions like the AFL/CIO cause many unwelcome
problems between Cambodia and the USA. The AFL/CIO and non-Cambodian labor
organizations should keep out of Cambodia. Is the corruption within the UN
and MIS management not enough? I see the big overall picture of what
millions of tourists want to see.
Bring the tourists in and the hotel workers have more work. Scare the
tourists away with labor strikes and Cambodia loses millions of dollars.
These labor strikes add to the poverty in Cambodia. This unfortunately is
put in motion by members of the Sam Rainsy Party and Funcinpec. They want to
destroy the Cambodian economy to create weakness for the government. If the
government becomes weak then the Alliance of Democrats might take control.
Hotel strikes will scare away hotel developers. This in turn will mean less
construction jobs in Cambodia which adds to Cambodian poverty.
Less jobs in constructions means the workers buy less food products from the
farmers and the trickle-down effect creates additional problems.
The interested readers should not forget the garment strikers that forced
out of Cambodia over 40,000 jobs to Vietnam. The hotel workers should
realize that Cambodia competes for tourists. Cambodian history repeats
In addition to being involved with the Cambodian elections, should we not
also believe that the International Republican Inst. with Dana Rohrabacher
is also helping Sam Rainsy unionize the work force which as any intellectual
understands is communist ideology?
Source: Phnom
Penh Post, Issue 13/10, May 7 - 20, 2004
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