
Samdech Heng Samrin
Samrin was born in 1934 in Prey Veng Province. Heng Samrin
came to international attention when he was appointed from
obscurity as president of the National United Front for
National Salvation in whose came Cambodia was invaded by
Vietnam in December 1978.
In January 1979 he became president of the ruling
People’s Revolutionary Council of the People’s Republic
of Kampuchea and in the following month president of the
Council State. Heng Samrin has served as a political front
man without a power base of his own. He became general
secretary of the ruling Kampuchean People's Revolutionary
Party's central committee in December 1981 after Vietnam's
initial nominee had proved unreliable. He remained in that
position for nearly a decade until a political settlement
came into sight, although real leadership was shared between
the prime minister, Hun Sen, and the speaker of the
Parliament, Chea Sim. In October 1991 the Kampuchean
People's Revolutionary Party changed its name to the
Cambodian People's Party, later was replaced Heng Samrin as
general secretary for Chea Sim. He was replaced as head of
state by prince Norodom Sihanouk when he returned to
Cambodia in November 1991.
Source: www.khmer.org